The word surreal has been tossed around a lot in my life for the last two weeks. It's surreal I'm no longer pregnant. It's surreal my labor and delivery happened SO quickly (to be revealed in a future post). It's surreal that I'm now a woman who can add "mother" to her list of titles. And it's surreal that my life is now filled with so much emotion for a baby.
The last leg of my pregnancy was the toughest out of all the trimesters. Compared to the first and second trimesters, I was the most uncomfortable, the most clumsy and the most nervous.
- I no longer had strong cravings for food (sadness). Instead, I experienced heartburn after meals. As baby Brandon got bigger, my stomach had less room to fill out. I never felt heartburn before so I popped Tums like candy.
- Basic movements were challenging. My girth was wide so turning and opening doors without hitting my belly was commonplace.
- I caught a cold during the last weeks of pregnancy and the congestion was killer. I couldn't take "regular" medicine so I felt horrible for about a week before I even started to feel better. I powered through it as best as I could, but I felt awful.
- My right foot was more swollen than my left foot on and off throughout the pregnancy. Not cute.
- Klutz alert. They say that women get clumsy and it actually was true for me. I broke my husband's favorite coffee mug in the sink. Of course, he took it well, but I promptly went on eBay to find him a replacement!
- The urge to nest was not rampant for me. I went through spurts of cleaning and organizing during my second trimester, but it wasn't unusual compared to "my normal" urge to clean and organize. Instead, during the last three months, I grew increasingly nervous and anxious.
- Would I be capable of taking care of another human being?
- How bad would postpartum depression be?
- How will my body recover?
- Are we financially set?
- How will life be like without work?
- Everything was incredibly foreign and the unknown of it all was unsettling.
Even at baby Brandon's newborn stage, I am learning to savor every second with him. At 13 days, he already seems like a completely different baby than the first day we brought him home. Seeing that I often reference time on this blog and its inevitable fast pace, I definitely imagine myself to be one of those parents who cannot believe how quickly her child has grown.
So please indulge with me as I learn to be a better mother and a better person. I may no longer be showcasing a baby belly, but I will be showcasing more of myself as a stronger, and hopefully wiser, woman.
Enjoyed reading it!! Congrats to your new journey of life!! Cute photo! Xoxo
Congrats, I am sure you are doing just fine :) For me as she kept getting older and bigger then more easier it got. I was nervous at first but I find as a women it all comes natural!
Motherhood is such a wonderful gift! Take as many pictures and videos as you can. I thought I took a ton but now looking back, I didn't take nearly enough and I miss it so much.
Hope to see you for TBT Fashion link up.
Congratulations on your bundle of joy!
Congratulations again! This was a truly beautiful post, and I enjoyed reading it.
ReplyDeleteI can't even imagine the types of emotions you've been experiencing, but if I had to guess a word that would be thrown around a lot, it would be surreal.
Something About That
You did really well Nancy, throughout the entire pregnancy! Enjoy.
Thanks for sharing your pregnancy story, it's really beautiful and make me wonder too what life will be like if I have my own child one day! Wishing you a blissful motherhood!
Yay! I loved this update. I know I have said this before, but I really appreciate your approach to life and motherhood. I truly enjoy reading your blog and not just for the fashion pictures!
ReplyDeleteAmy Ann
Straight A Style
Look at that bump! Really beautiful post!
ReplyDeleteMelanie @
Congratulations again, Nancy! My sister gave birth to her first child near the end of March and it's been wonderful being with her on this new journey. All the best to you and your family moving forward! xoxo
Congrats!! Enjoy the wonderful motherhood!
ReplyDeletexo, Jane
Congrats!! Looking forward to seeing all the cute pics of little Brandon on Insta! :)
Congrats love!!! :) You will be great!
Wonderful post! and congrats to you! :)
ReplyDeleteBest, Albert | Palming Pebbles
I can't believe your writing is as lucid and crisp as ever. I don't think the first two weeks of my having my son allowed me to do any sort of communicating....!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear you and that cold, UGH! I did too and not taking benadryl was killer! So stuffy and drippy, and always needing to pee.
But my kids are grown up now, so Iove thinking back and comparing notes.
I did feel well pregnant, but I did not dress as well as you did!
Love your photo!
13 magic days. Congratulations of each and every one of them. it bets better and better, btw...
xx, Elle
congrats :)
ReplyDeletekisses in dubai ♥
Congratulations, and this is such a sweet, colorful and happy photo! Welcome to the world Brandon!
Ginger Side of Life
Congrats! It's awesome that you have had your baby. I would definitely have been anxious and nervous too!
ReplyDeleteJessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
Omgosh congrats on your bundle of joy!!! Can't wait to see photos!
I know you already had your precious little baby but your baby bump is the cutest! Glad your enjoying motherhood so much!
wow congrats! i can only imagine the feelin of holding your baby in your arms for the very first time :)