January 26, 2015

Pregnant Gal Update

Things have been moving along with this pregnancy of mine. I cannot believe how far along I am in this process. It's still surreal I am carrying a tiny human inside my body. I'm currently 24 weeks!

I am so grateful and fortunate to not have severe symptoms.

During my first trimester:

  • I felt minor nausea (which was ironically mitigated by eating)
  • I had serious food cravings and constantly felt ravenous (I wanted Super Duper burgers and fries, Annie's Cheddar Bunnies, Clif Kid Fruit Ropes, cheesy goodness like mac & cheese or quesadillas, donuts and apples)
    • I had to carry snacks all the time
  • I witnessed body changes immediately (baggy tops were definitely needed)
  • I experienced desires for naps throughout the day (I was never a big nap person before)
  • I have mood swings that are quite instant. Thank you to a patient and understanding husband!
As I'm going through my second trimester:

  • Nausea has dissipated
  • Food cravings have also dissipated but, every now and again, I want particular things that I can't get over until I eat them. Thankfully, the desires are more healthy options like fruits and salads
  • Obvious body changes continue
  • Exhaustion is not as severe either but, if I'm not up and about I can fall asleep
  • Mood swings still exist
The new attention has been different and at first, uncomfortable. (I have never done well with the spotlight.) But, as more and more people can see I'm pregnant, the "Congratulations" salutations and the "Do you know what you're having?" questions become easier to answer.

I am going through a major learning curve with not only my body but also with my future. As my husband and I adapt our home to invite a new person to the family, we are also meeting new people who are newly pregnant as well and we bond over the experience. Having always been an introvert, socializing with people who are going through this (or have gone through this) has been a welcome desire.

I've never been sure I could be a good mother but, I already feel an incredible amount of love for this kid. People kindly remind me that nothing in life is perfect and I can't predict anything. So "going with the flow" is important.

I remind myself constantly that things will be OK and I am perpetually grateful for this experience. 

Thanks for joining me on this journey!


  1. Aw I am so happy to hear your pregnancy update! I hope we get to find out the gender soon! Your pregnancy reminds me of the ones I had with my older boys. But that doesn't mean anything. My daughter and youngest boy were the same pregnancy! You look great and I know it is a lot of changes and a lot to take on but trust me--you will be great!

  2. You are too cute. Yes you never knew that this whole "kid club" existed until you're in it. Like you have an immediate bond to strangers. Strange but true :)

  3. Glad to hear things are getting better for you during your second trimester. What an exciting journey!

  4. Congratulations 2 u on being a future mother, it could be a whole lot of responsibilities on ur shoulders 2 carry, but it's also a joy 2 celebrate. Hope everything's going well with u and ur baby during the pregnancy xx

    Check Out My Latest Post Here On Fashion And The Geek

  5. Thanks for sharing!! My craving for oranges was intense in the first trimester!! And then I slowly moved to craving meat because I was iron deficient. Sometimes the weird cravings are our bodies ways of telling us we're deficient in something. Or maybe it just really tastes good. haha! I know what you mean about being tired. I loved sleeping. You're looking so good and I hope everything continues to go smoothly! <3


  6. I bet it's so nice not too feel nausea any more! I hate that feeling and I'm so worried that when I'm prego, I'll get morning sickness. You will be a great mom! The most important thing is loving your child and you already love yours :)


  7. Yay for the nausea being gone!! Glad things are going better. Loving your bump :)


  8. It's been wonderful to see you 'grow' .. I think you'll make a great mom!!

    Monica, www.pear-shaped-gal.com

  9. I'm sure most new parents have their doubts, but just by showing us how much you love your baby indicates you'll definitely be an amazing mom :)


  10. You look awesome Nancy! Things will be fine! So happy for you two.

  11. I think no matter how many books people read, they are never ready for parenthood. Everything is go with the flow. My son is almost 7 and I still don't know what I am doing. So glad to hear your are getting sick anymore.


  12. Great post, dear, and great photos. Love it. I follow you, could you follow back, pls.


  13. You are looking so cute!!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  14. such a lovely update. and i too agree that bonding with people with similar experiences is always welcome! i'm an introvert but seek out these bonds from time to time :) happy 24 weeks!

  15. Ah, so nice to hear an update! You look amazing and glad to hear the nausea is dissipating! xo



  16. This is such a sweet post! Thank you for sharing how things are going - you look adorable!

    Heidi D.

  17. I hit the send by mistake, sorry!
    It was worth every mood swing and spell of queasiness.. I loved being pregnant, and being a mom.
    with children, at ages 24 and 26, I still do!!!
    xx, elle

  18. You are so beautiful! Enjoy the adventure, nothing will be ever the same again. What an amazing journey!

  19. Yay I love your bump, you look beautiful! When I was pregnant, all I wanted was fruit (raspberries) and anything with cheese. :)

    xo, Yi-chia


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