October 3, 2012

Wednesday Whim - Classics Redesigned

all images via doedemee - Atonement image via Laura Schillemans from Belgium

I'm an avid reader and when I came across these images of classic book redesigns from doedemee, I instantly smiled. Doedemee is a project by Belgian graphic design studio called beshart. They gathered 100 artists from 28 countries to redesign 100 greatest novels (according to The Observer's 2003 list) in an effort to fight illiteracy. For each redesigned cover purchased (here), 5 euros are donated to United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) projects in Africa. 

I have been fortunate to read so many classics because of school, and even though some were less enjoyable than others, I am so grateful to have read so many.
 Doedemee is an amazing design project for an important cause.

What do you think of this? Check out the doedemee site and the online gallery for yourself and let me know which one is your favorite! The ones here are some of my favorites.

By the way, when you click on each poster, there's a blurb from the designer about the inspiration behind the design!

Don Quixote image via Lobulo Design from the UK

Lolita image via Yasmeen Ismail from the UK

LA Confidential image via Liam Bushby from the UK

To Kill A Mockingbird image via Paul Boardman from the UK

USA image via David Crunelle from Belgium


  1. I love the To Kill a Mockingbird one!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  2. I'm a huge book fan...and these are some of my favorites! That Lolita cover is so pretty.

    The Glossy Life

  3. I love the Lolita cover. You just made me realise that still have so many classics to read!

  4. This is such a great cause! I love the To Kill a Mockingbird one!

  5. I love these creative concepts - they make me want to judge a book by it's cover in a good way.
    Chic on the Cheap

  6. wow... awesome covers! esp. To Kill a Mockingbird! Thanks for sharing ^^


  7. SUCH a cool idea. Loved browsing through these, thanks for sharing! I think my favorite is the Call of the Wild cover – amazing.

    Sea and Swank

  8. I really do enjoy when old covers get reimagined - and movie posters for movies as well

  9. These images are stunning, I love reading as well so this is such a creative interpretation of everything.



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