January 11, 2012

Wednesday Whim - Artists' Home

images via 7x7 - photographer Joe Fletcher

I work in the design industry so I'm always fascinated by new home designs. Usually, the farther away from a busy city a home is, the more customized it can be because of the space. So, when I came across this home in Corona Heights in San Francisco, CA I fell in love. 

It's a redesign with major renovations to the interior of the home and a significant face lift to the exterior of the home (designed by architect, Craig Steely). Aside from the obvious great view from the home, I love that this home still feels like it fits within the neighborhood, feels inviting and is cozy. I also adore that the owners and builders wanted to reuse materials from the original home into the kitchen and backside of the building.

I highly recommend reading more about this home here because it makes the home that much more intriguing. What do you think?

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