March 26, 2015


images via Instagram (enjoying some Juice Shop after chowing down on cheeseburger and fries!)

As you can imagine, my focus has been all about baby lately. As the months wind down to weeks and the inevitable arrival of my baby comes, I can't help but get my mind and body prepared for the indescribable change in life. Until then, I am still trying to maintain aspects of my life that aren't all about baby - going out with girlfriends, sipping on (no gin) and juice, and eating at restaurants while I'm still "sans baby." 

I know life will seriously change (mostly for the better, right?) but I can still enjoy living life being blissfully ignorant about all the unknowns I'll encounter.

Experimenting with Rocksbox

Have you tried Rocksbox, yet? In case you haven't heard, it's a box of jewels you can "rent" based on a style survey you fill out. You can wear the jewelry for as long you want until you decide to return the jewels or keep the ones you want at a discounted price. 

You can try a FREE box for yourself if you use this code:  nancybff101

I'd like to call this round up - baby food.

Top left: Pizza at Cheese Board Collective - Friday special:  crushed tomatoes, fennel, mozzarella, crispy garlic chips and parsley

Top right: Scrumptious pastries and dessert at B. Pattiserie. 'Nuff said...

Bottom left: Afternoon tea at the Ritz Carlton - San FranciscoDid you know we all have Anna Maria Russell, Duchess of Bedford, to thank for "inventing" afternoon tea?

Bottom right:  Casual brunching at local favorite, Cassava

Brightening up Monday with a cute floral bouquet that includes daisies

Doing what every Instagrammer does - stopping mid-crosswalk to capture this view in Nob Hill


  1. Ooh Nob Hill looks very scenic :). Love your photos, the pizza looks amazing. I love the idea of renting jewellery too!

    Sarah xo | <PolkaDotLemon

  2. I love RocksBox and that necklace is so pretty!


  3. Ah, I love San Fran .. looks like a nice sunny day too !!


  4. What lovely pics! Yes, much will change when your little one arrives. Trust me, though; it's a wonderful change. :) T.

  5. pretty necklace and that bouquet is so lovely.

    Ms. Kei
    i am now following your blog
    through GFC & Bloglovin'.

  6. These are all such great snaps!
    But my eyes totally widened at the pizza shot...haha, I want pizza now! xD

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  7. Such beautiful, colourful photos! My sister just had a baby earlier this week (her first! and my first niece!) and I am instantly smitten. Excited to hear about your bundle of joy when he/she arrives :)


  8. Love the secenery! You look like you had a great week! <3

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

  9. Omg yay! Countdown to baby!! I can't believe it's already that time! Sending you all my love! Also, yes I just heard about Rocksbox....looks like you got a great group! love it!! Have a great weekend, Nancy!

  10. Life right now is all about you and your family Nancy! Enjoy every minute of it. Those foodie pics are making me hungry. HaHaHa

  11. That sounds like a fun concept, A new BOX OF JEWELERY EVERY SO OFTEN!
    Love the "baby food"- i laughed out loud!
    Also loving all of the photos.
    Take great care of yourself! :)
    xx, Elle


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