October 8, 2012

One Year Later...

wedding day photos via Jason Lee of JWL Photography

Over the weekend, the hubs and I celebrated our first year of marriage. I debated whether or not to post this since I'm usually not a great storyteller when it comes to personal anecdotes, but I couldn't help but dedicate this to the man in my life who has supported me and guided me through some of the toughest days and has made me laugh and made me blush on some of the brightest days.  It makes me happy to see my first post as a married lady here and puts a smile on my face to see my ode to my wedding here.

We both remember our wedding day to be one of the best days of our lives. We were surrounded by the ones who care about us the most and the ones who supported us throughout our relationship. The tiny things that made us feel stressed on the day of our wedding were long forgotten. We smirked at how quickly the first year went by and smiled at how fondly we still look at our relationship. We reminisced at what we have learned in our first year...

Top 5 Lessons Learned:
  1. Look each other in the eye and say "I love you" on a daily basis.
    Sounds like a "duh" statement, but we get so busy day to day that stopping to look each other in the eye and say a meaningful "I love you" can really make the heart swoon.
  2. Things are the same as before...but not really the same as before. 
    Say what? We lived with each prior to being married so we worked out our quirks of merging things, living habits, cleaning habits, getting ready habits and quiet time moments. But, actually being "official" has given us this meaningful promise that we will work together through everything...good or bad. I wasn't the girl who grew up dreaming of the "forever ever after" but now that I am living that promise, I realize that I make an extra effort to work out kinks between us and that I want to ensure we get to "forever."
  3. Let it out. Laugh it out. Move on.
    The honeymoon period is great, but it's not all smiles. It's good to get the "fight" out, talk it out and then move on. We have learned not to dwell about how or why something didn't get done, especially when something else happens and we are fueled up again.
  4. Enjoy time together and time apart.
    It's easy to become that couple that only meets with friends together and signs emails together and are together...all the time. But, remembering that we are individuals in a relationship is healthy. Doing things individually...whether that be running errands, going out with friends or just being in a separate room from each other...is smart and is needed.
  5. Surprise each other spontaneously...not only on the special occasions. 
    Since we have been together for a while, we know each other's habits and we know how each person may react to something. Keeping the spark alive is much easier when we do things spontaneously and we are not saving those surprises just for special occasions. 
We realize we'll learn more as we grow and change over the years. But, it's reassuring to know we have promised to guide each other along and remember where we came from. It's been a fast year but a great year.

Thanks for reading!

The moment promises were made for our future

An ode to our baseball teams

49er Game for a record breaking win

Decadent meal filled with yummy dessert, gifted Boudin sourdough bread and heart-shaped foam hot chocolate


  1. Nancy, this post is so beautiful! Your wedding was gorgeous. I love your wedding dress. I love to see couples truly in love. You can feel it in the photos and that is a beautiful thing. Happy Anniversary and I wish you many more. Those are definitely things each and every couple should do. Have a great week.

  2. Wah, you are so cute together!! Only wish you the best!! (:


  3. This is so beautfiful! I hope I can live a life of happiness as you two, when I'm married one day :)

  4. Awww...this post seriously made me melt :)
    Happy anniversary girl, you are very lucky! You two are just adorable and I wish the best for your future together

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    Trendy Teal

  5. happy anniversary!!! you looked BEAUTIFUL! marriage is the best.

  6. Happy anniversary! You were such a beautiful bride. Many more happy years to you both! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  7. Oh my gosh, you two are TOO cute! I love this post, thank you for sharing even though you don't usually do posts like this :) I really enjoyed it! I am not married yet (well or engaged for that matter) but I can see how these things would really help in a marriage! Congrats on your one year anniversary and cheers to many more!

    Rachel’s Lookbook

  8. Congratulations on your first anniversary! You were such a gorgeous bride (and your dress was amazing!). Cheers to a long and happy future! :)

  9. Happy anniversary...have to say your top tips are very on point! Great post hun x


  10. Your advise is fantastic and so so true. Thanks for sharing! Happy Anniversary!



  11. Such stunning photos lady! You looked beautiful on your special day :)So glad you shared this post.

  12. you are such a lovely couple! keep enjoying each other, trust me, it is precious

  13. You guys are adorable :) I love these pictures and I really enjoyed reading this post

  14. Happy anniversary! You guys are SUCH a cute couple. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom about the first year of marriage...I'm going to be married in May and am so excited! It's good to hear another woman's perspective how the first year is!

  15. That is adorable and even though you said you're not good at anecdotes etc, you most certainly are! so sweet (and you also looked beautiful on your wedding day).

    - KK

  16. You two make a gorgeous couple...Congrats on your milestone! xo

    The Glossy Life

  17. What a wonderful post - you two looks so natural and happy on that day - and gorgeous!

  18. Gorgeous photos - and huge congrats to you both!

  19. awwww what a wonderful post congratulations how beautiful God bless!!!

  20. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! Those tips are great tips to live by and I love your photos together. You can tell you're very much in love! :) <3


  21. So cute! Happy anniversary to you both! Great photos. And advice. :)


  22. These are such cute pictures. Loving the lessons too! I'll store that away for me one day!

    A Southern Drawl

  23. happy anniversary! these are some great tips!! mine would be to keep dating each other! :)

    Sandy a la Mode

  24. Such beautiful photos! I love love stories :) Happy 1 year to the both of you!

  25. Wow ure really pretty I really like ur dress :)
    Wanna follow each other ??
    Come by anytime !!!


  26. I'm so glad you decided to share - this is the sweetest post! I've been living with my boyfriend for almost 2 years and I agree with all your tips :)

    Life etc

  27. Aww! Happy Anniversary! I love the advice about being spontaneous!

  28. Beautiful story and lovely lessons. Thank you for sharing. What a cute couple you make....things will only get better.



  29. Both you look so adorable together! There seems to be so much love in the air! Congratulations on your first anniversary!
    Greetings from India

  30. Awww so sweet! :) Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks also for dropping by my blog and commenting. Really appreciate it. Maybe we can follow each other? :)


  31. Congrats!!!

    Love all the photos!

    (enter my giveaway - iphone case)


  32. What a sweet post! I love your tips...and you guys looked amazing :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  33. Happy anniversary - you two looked wonderful on your wedding day and now as well

  34. NYC was amazing, I love it there too. I will be posting pictures soon from my adventures there! Your blog is quite lovely. I am new follower!

    Congrats on the 1 year anniversary!

    xo Jenny

  35. These lessons are so, so true – especially letting it out and laughing it out. And your wedding dress was so beautiful!
    Happy anniversary!

    Sea and Swank

  36. You two make such a beautiful couple! Happy (belated) anniversary and I love the 5 lessons.

  37. CONGRATULATIONS and happy anniversary! so sweet. i love your wedding photos and i love this personal blog :)

  38. happy anniversary, and here's to many more! i totally agree with #4 :)

    Enter to Win a Complete Anti-Aging System

  39. this is absolutely precious! so happy you shared some pics from your wedding! hope it was an amazing anniversary! you two are adorbs!


  40. Oh such a beautiful memory. I wish you and your husband many more years of marriage.

  41. Love this post. Happy Anniversary, two days late. Love your #4 on lessons learned. When I first got married my new husband wanted to go EVERYWHERE with me, drove me crazy, I just wanted to go to Target and wander up and down the isles, he goes shopping for a purpose...so I 100% agree with #4, and the rest of them as well. =) Happy Anniversary and to many many more!

  42. Love this!!!
    Congrats on the anniversary. One thing I have learned is that relationships are work. Romantic or friendly they all require work, and effort. Understanding this was half the battle for me!

    Happy Anniversary and thank you for sharing something so precious.

  43. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! You two make such a beautiful couple! You look STUNNING in your wedding day photos. All of those photos are adorable!

    xo Jenny


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