February 15, 2012

Wednesday Whim - I Left My Heart...

images via Roadsworth

Valentine's Day may be over, but that doesn't mean the heart shaped symbol disappears. I came across this series of hearts (called "Dead Hearts") from CollabCubed and created by Canadian-based artist, Roadsworth. I was instantly obsessed (as I typically become).

began his artistic career by painting the streets of Montreal in 2001 in protest of the growing "car culture." Because he "worked the streets," eventually the authorities caught wind of his activities (after 300 pieces of work) and charged him with "53 counts of mischief" (source here). But, never fear - he is still out and about creating wonderful work for the public with just a "slap on the wrist" for his street activities. (Thanks in large part to the undying support from the public.)

I am now a happy follower and am also thrilled there is a book of his work (available here) appropriately titled "Roadsworth." His work has also been featured in a music video (here).

His art is definitely worth a look (here). If you check him out, which ones are your favorite? I have to say the banana peel painted on the street is a personal fave! 


  1. My oh my, Iook at all the hearts.

    Also, I need Carrie's wardrobe!

  2. Aaah this is really lovely!



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