January 31, 2012

Whirlwind Travel

images via the ever popular Instagram

As I mentioned in my last post, I went to LA for the weekend. It was as I predicted. Jam packed but fun. People ask me if traveling back and forth is tiring...how I pack...how do I travel...etc. To that, I say...
  • Yes, traveling from SF to LA and back is tiring for only a weekend, but I always enjoy being with family and friends. It's all relative.
  • I think I'll answer this in detail in a future post - but in short, since my stay is only for a weekend, I don't like to over pack. I've over packed before and I always feel like it's a waste of my energy. I use one bag and my husband uses another bag (we tried to share - but we discovered this was a bad idea after a couple of tries). I keep toiletries separate so I can grab them on the road and I always keep in mind that I'm sitting in a car for hours on end so easy and comfy clothing is a must. I have all  this down to science now since I travel back and forth so much. 
  • Since we started to travel more by driving vs by flying (finding good deals has become sparse on peak travel days), the way I travel has changed. Hmm...another good post idea, yes? The mode of transportation certainly affects the way one travels. I pack differently of course...and I wear different clothes during travel time. Kicking your shoes off in a car vs kicking your shoes off at the security checkpoint in an airport certainly changes the mindset. People might think this should not matter but there's a difference that I feel.
How do you handle travel?


  1. I have wanted those cheetah shoes for so long! Definitely want to snag them! Too cute!
    Luvv, Leigh B

  2. Cute pics! I love your shoes in both looks!

    See Me Rwar


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