December 7, 2011

Wednesday Whim - Building Up

images via Street Art Utopia via K!WA 

People never cease to amaze me. I'm a bit late to the jump (this has been around for a some time now) but who would have imagined Legos actually being used to "construct"  buildings? The photos featured here are unique "street art" taken in Berlin, Germany and supported by the Jarmuschek+ Partner gallery (in their effort to patch buildings partially destroyed by WWII - especially notable since today is the day of Pearl Harbor).  But, It's all part of the work produced by Jan Vormann and Dispatchwork to "repair" buildings.  

What do you think?


  1. This is really cool, and for reasons I can't quite explain, made me incredibly happy! Love!!

  2. Wow this might be one of the neatest things I have ever seen!

  3. That's so awesome. reminds me of the yarn bombing post and video that madewell did on You should check it out!

  4. amazing!! legos are just so cool. while kind of different reminds of me legoland here in florida which i'm dying to bring my two year old to, though i think i'm way more excited than she is!


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